railway exam


Trigonometry – 9 | RRB Previous Que | SSC | Railway

Visit http://www.mathd.in/notes-categories/ All solved notes https://www.instamojo.com/deveshsir/ “MathD Presents “Trigonometry – 9| Advanced Questions ” Railway SSC CGPSC and other exams Must watch | most important part Watch and Learn!! FOR LATEST UPDATES: ———————————– SUBSCRIBE US Here: https://goo.gl/nWHbtA Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mathsdeveshsir/ Visit our Website for more resources: http://www.mathd.in ———————————– If you like the video, Don’t forget to Share and leave your comments

Trigonometry – 8| Advanced Questions | SSC | Railway

Visit http://www.mathd.in/notes-categories/ All solved notes https://www.instamojo.com/deveshsir/ “MathD Presents “Trigonometry – 8| Advanced Questions ” Railway SSC CGPSC and other exams Must watch | most important part Watch and Learn!! FOR LATEST UPDATES: ———————————– SUBSCRIBE US Here: https://goo.gl/nWHbtA Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mathsdeveshsir/ Visit our Website for more resources: http://www.mathd.in ———————————– If you like the video, Don’t forget to Share and leave your comments

Trigonometry – 7| Advanced Questions | SSC | Railway

Visit http://www.mathd.in/notes-categories/ All solved notes https://www.instamojo.com/deveshsir/ “MathD Presents “Trigonometry – 7| Advanced Questions ” Railway SSC CGPSC and other exams Must watch | most important part Watch and Learn!! FOR LATEST UPDATES: ———————————– SUBSCRIBE US Here: https://goo.gl/nWHbtA Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mathsdeveshsir/ Visit our Website for more resources: http://www.mathd.in ———————————– If you like the video, Don’t forget to Share and leave your comments

Trigonometry – 5 | Complementary Angles

Visit http://www.mathd.in/notes-categories/ All solved notes https://www.instamojo.com/deveshsir/ “MathD Presents “Trigonometry – 5 | Complementary Angles ” Railway SSC CGPSC and other exams Must watch | most important part Watch and Learn!! FOR LATEST UPDATES: ———————————– SUBSCRIBE US Here: https://goo.gl/nWHbtA Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mathsdeveshsir/ Visit our Website for more resources: http://www.mathd.in ———————————– If you like the video, Don’t forget to Share and leave your comments

Trigonometry – 4 | Trigonometric Table Trick | SSC | Railway

Visit http://www.mathd.in/notes-categories/ All solved notes https://www.instamojo.com/deveshsir/ “MathD Presents “Trigonometry – 4 | Trigonometric Ratios ” Railway SSC CGPSC and other exams Must watch | most important part Watch and Learn!! FOR LATEST UPDATES: ———————————– SUBSCRIBE US Here: https://goo.gl/nWHbtA Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mathsdeveshsir/ Visit our Website for more resources: http://www.mathd.in ———————————– If you like the video, Don’t forget to Share and leave your comments

Trigonometry – 2| Full Basics | Trigonometric Ratios

Trigonometry – 1| Full Basics | Trigonometric Ratios

Discount – 3 (Profit&Loss) | लाभ तथा हानि

“MathD Presents “Discount -3 (Profit and Loss )” Discount -3 (Profit and Loss ) | लाभ तथा हानि  Must watch it   A trader marked an article 10% above its cost price. At the time of selling, he allows certain discount and suffers a loss of 1%. What was the allowed discount? एक व्यापारी किसी वस्तु की 10% बढ़ाकर अंकित करता है | और बेचते समय वह उसे कुछ छुट देकर 1% नुकसान उठाता है, तब उसने कितना प्रतिशत छुट दिया? A shopkeeper marked an article 35% above its costView Page

Discount – 2 (Profit&Loss) | लाभ तथा हानि

“MathD Presents “Discount -2 (Profit and Loss )” Discount -2 (Profit and Loss ) | लाभ तथा हानि  Must watch it एक दुकानदार किसी वस्तु की कीमत कितने प्रतिशत बढ़ाकर अंकित करे कि उस पर 20% छुट देकर भी वह 12% का लाभ कमाए ? At what percentage above of cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 12% after allowing a discount of 20%? एक दुकानदार किसी वस्तु की कीमत कितने प्रतिशत बढ़ाकर अंकित करे कि उस पर 10% छुट देकर भी वह 8% का लाभView Page

Discount -1 (Profit&Loss) | लाभ तथा हानि

“MathD Presents “Discount -1 (Profit and Loss )” Discount -1 (Profit and Loss ) | लाभ तथा हानि  Must watch it किसी वस्तु पर क्रमशः 20% और 15% का छुट देकर बेचा जाता है, यदि इनके बदले केवल एक छुट देना हो तो उस छुट का प्रतिशत कितना होगा? An article is sold by giving two successive discounts of 20% and 15% respectively if they have to give only one discount instead, then what percentage of that discount will be? एक दुकानदार एक घड़ी पर क्रमशः 30%,20% और 10% केView Page
