rakesh sir
Percentage Part – 9 | प्रतिशतता

“MathD Presents “Percentage Part – 9 ” Percentage Part – 9 | प्रतिशतता एक व्यक्ति अपनी आय का 75% राशि खर्च कर देता है । उसकी आय 20% वृद्धि होने पर वह अपने खर्च में 10% वृद्धि करता है । तब उसकी बचत में कितने प्रतिशत वृद्धि होगी ? और उसके बचत का प्रतिशत कितना होगा ? A person expenses his 75% of salary. When his income grows by 20%, he raises his expense by 10%. Then what percentage increase in his savings? And what would be the percentage ofView Page
Percentage Part – 8 | प्रतिशतता

“MathD Presents “Percentage Part – 8 ” Percentage Part – 8 | प्रतिशतता Must watch | salary and expense related question एक गाँव की वर्तमान आबादी 121000 है । यदि इसकी आबादी प्रतिवर्ष 10% वार्षिक दर से बढ़ रही हो तो 2 वर्ष पूर्व गाँव की जनसँख्या कितनी थी ? The present population of a village is 121000. If its population is growing at an annual rate of 10% per annum then what was the population of the village two years ago? (a) 100000 (b) 100100 (c) 112000 (d) 221000 View Page