Profit & Loss Part – 3 | लाभ तथा हानि

“MathD Presents “Profit and Loss Part – 3” Profit and Loss Part – 3 | लाभ तथा हानि Must watch it किसी वस्तु को 2000 रु. में बेचने पर दुकानदार को 25% का लाभ होता है । यदि उसे 40% लाभ पर बेचा जाता तो उस वस्तु का विक्रय मूल्य क्या होता ? The shopkeeper has 25% gain on selling any item for Rs.2000. If it was sold at 40% profit, then what would the selling price of that item be? किसी वस्तु को 720 रु. में बेचने पर 20View Page
Profit & Loss Part – 2 | लाभ तथा हानि

“MathD Presents “Profit and Loss Part – 2” Profit and Loss Part – 2 | लाभ तथा हानि Must watch it एक दुकानदार किसी वस्तु को 5% हानि पर बेचता है, यदि वह इसे 80रु. अधिक में बेचता तो उसे 5 % का लाभ होता, तो बताइए वस्तु की कीमत कितनी है ? A shopkeeper sold an article at a loss of 5%. If the selling price had been increased by Rs. 80, there would have been a gain of 5%. What is the cost price of the article? किसीView Page